What's up with me? The March Edition
Unfortunately, the first two months of 2014 didn't go anything like I wanted them to. Therefore, since I don't have the power to call a universal ‘do-over' of January and February, I'm calling an official “They didn't count” and declaring yesterday the first day of my 2014.
Which means that, so far, this year has been incredible! In only two days, I have…
- Sent off the first book in The Heights series (UF/PNR) to one of my fantastic critique partners who will rip it apart and hand it back to me in shreds that I will have to, somehow, piece back together. Isn't she the best? :)
- Changed the name of the project four times. It is currently “Unseen“. I'm really digging the new title and have been told by numerous people to stop obsessing about it and start obsessing about something else. (It's important to have good advisers around you who will call you on your insanity, by the way.)
- Released the complete box set of Hyde onto Amazon, B&N, iBooks, and Smashwords. It's only $7.99 right now! I think that comes down to around .0065 cents per page.
- Released the audiobook version of No Experience Required. It was a great learning experience that created a wonderful end product thanks to my hysterical narrator, Maya Tremblay. Thankfully, I didn't know what she looked like until the project was complete, so I only started hating her afterwards.
- Am working on a cover for Unseen as well as a concept for the entire series (currently planned out for six books with a very large possibility of there being more).
- Had a cover made for a short story I'll be releasing for charity (just as soon as I stop obsessing about the ending) called Friends with Benefits. It's a beautiful cover done by Eliana of For the Muse Design.
- Had a cover made for Darker Water, the first book in my contemporary romance series. It's soooo nice. Poor, incredibly patient Amanda of Pixel Mischief Design has first-hand knowledge of my insanity and, bless her heart, figured out a way to deal with it.
- Am working on a cover for the second Summer Rains book, For Entertainment Purposes Only. This one was made by the Victorine Lieske who did the current cover for No Experience Required, as well as being a bestselling author and mother to way too many children.
- Am editing Darker Water. I can't wait for you to meet Carson. IMO, he has the perfect bad-boy to heart-of-gold ratio.
- Checked out an online writer's convention called IndieReCon and learned some great tips on how to be professional. I'm going to need a lot more work with that. I also learned a lot from other presenters, including that I really want to have a few drinks with these three. Seriously, they are like me but with testosterone (and a few other parts too, probably).
- Did some of that…what's it called? Parenting? Yeah well, I did some of that, I guess. And probably did some other stuff too. Nothing too crazy like cleaning or cooking, but I'm pretty sure there was other stuff.
Even though this list shows only a fraction of what is going on for me this year (I didn't even mention the Fox/Landon book), I'm very happy to say that, thus far, every single day has been amazingly productive. I have my fingers crossed that they will continue to be this way. As always, my goal is to write as much as humanly possible, which means I will release as much as humanly possible. Sign up for my newsletter on the sidebar and all that crap, so you'll hear just as soon as I hit the publish button.
Do you have a day job? If so, I need to get on whatever diet you are on as you have more energy than that bunny on TV. I am so impressed.
LOL! Of course I have a day job! But I also have an obsessive personality and choose writing over sleep. If you want to follow my diet, make sure your Starbucks’ app is LOADED and you also have one or two coffee machines.
It does help that the last two days might actually have been spread over what other people might call “two months”. :)
Elaina Lee did all four of my covers – she’s awesome :) Oh and I bow down to all your incredibly detailed planning and the amount of work you’ve done in two short months!
I know, Jennifer! I saw your covers on her website! That’s actually one of the reasons I went with her. :) She’s so nice and is very talented. Can’t wait to show you the cover! If only I could get the story to be as cooperative. :/