Strange Case - News & Cover Reveal

Thank you all so much for your support and patience with Strange Case. Evidently, in a previous life, I was a saint. Because I sure ain’t one in this life, and there’s no other explanation for why I've been so lucky.

My news for today is two-fold. The first part is that the book is now in the hands of my formatter. After she’s done, there’s only one more step—uploading it to retailers. Can I get an amen?

The second part is that my incredible cover designer/friend/critique partner, Olivia Rivers, has created another unbelievable cover. From the moment Olivia and I started talking about the concept for Strange Case's cover, I was in love. I don't know how she does it, but the design for each book is a perfect match to what Mitch and Eden are going through at that time. They all have so much meaning behind them and are really special to me. And without further ado…

How beautiful is this?

~~~~Strange Case, Hyde Book III

Oh, and please remember to sign up for my newsletter in the sidebar. When the book becomes available, I’ll be sending out an ‘OMG, I'm so excited it's out' announcement and a direct link. The letter will also include a deleted scene between Mitch and Eden. It's Mitch being Mitch, and we all know what that involves. Naughty, naughty boy.

Thanks, all!

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Ashley Ryan Snyder
11 years ago

I can’t see the cover! D:

Susan Hatler
11 years ago

Looks awesome, Lauren. Yay!!

Colleen Marie
Colleen Marie
11 years ago

Thank you!!

11 years ago

When is your next Summer Rains coming out? Please have Summer go for the detective “sigh”