Strange Case in print & the series box set
I have a couple pieces of news to mention today. I'll be posting info about my upcoming projects really soon. Yep, projects plural. And I'm infatuated with all of them.
First and finally, Strange Case‘s print version is now available on Amazon. Thank you for your patience with it everyone. I think it was worth it. Some of you have requested signed copies. I'm working to set up a paypal system for that and will let you know as soon as it's ready. Until then, if you're interested in a signed copy of Strange Case's print version or any of my others, please shoot me an email.
The Complete Hyde Series Box Set is now available on Amazon, Smashwords, and is coming soon to Sony, Kobo, B&N, and iTunes. If you use any of those retailers and notice it's up on their sites, please drop me a note and let me know. Otherwise I have to keep pushing my ‘refresh' button all day and that's so annoying.
The box set is only $7.99 which saves you a buck (or two if you're a Nook user). Well worth it for over 1,200 pages of book, don't you think?
Please help me spread the word and, if you possibly can, leave reviews for any/all of the books. Also, sign up for my newsletter. It is the quickest way for me to let you know about new releases or share deleted scenes and sneak peeks.
Thank you for your support, kindness, and letting me know there are a lot more of my-kind-of-people than I ever imagined there could be in the world.