Strange Case in print & the series box set

I have a couple pieces of news to mention today. I'll be posting info about my upcoming projects really soon. Yep, projects plural. And I'm infatuated with all of them.

First and finally, Strange Case‘s print version is now available on Amazon. Thank you for your patience with it everyone. I think it was worth it. Some of you have requested signed copies. I'm working to set up a paypal system for that and will let you know as soon as it's ready. Until then, if you're interested in a signed copy of Strange Case's print version or any of my others, please shoot me an email.


The Complete Hyde Series Box Set
The Complete Hyde Series Box Set

The Complete Hyde Series Box Set is now available on Amazon, Smashwords, and is coming soon to Sony, Kobo, B&N, and iTunes. If you use any of those retailers and notice it's up on their sites, please drop me a note and let me know. Otherwise I have to keep pushing my ‘refresh' button all day and that's so annoying.

The box set is only $7.99 which saves you a buck (or two if you're a Nook user). Well worth it for over 1,200 pages of book, don't you think?

Please help me spread the word and, if you possibly can, leave reviews for any/all of the books.  Also, sign up for my newsletter. It is the quickest way for me to let you know about new releases or share deleted scenes and sneak peeks.

Thank you for your support, kindness, and letting me know there are a lot more of my-kind-of-people than I ever imagined there could be in the world.

Hyde is free!

And I mean ‘free' as in it doesn't cost anything, not as in there's
a monster on the loose.

Here are the links. Help yourself to a copy and help me spread the word.
Thanks so much!

On Amazon

On Smashwords

On iTunes

On Kobo

While I'm here I'd like to say thank you to the bloggers and readers who have supported me and my books. I have so much to celebrate this Thursday. In fact, I'm planning on toasting each and every one of you, so I should be drunk until mid-January. :)

*For Nook & Sony readers: I apologize for the book not being free on those sites. Unfortunately it's up to the retailers in this case. You can still get the book in the format you need from the Smashwords website though.

Strange Case (Hyde Book III) is out of its cage

Strange Case, the third book in the Hyde trilogy is now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords!

I'll let everyone know when it’s up on the other retail sites and in print.


Strange Case for kindle

Strange Case for nook

Strange Case in all other formats

And to celebrate, Hyde will be on sale for only .99!

Please help me spread the word and, as always, your reviews are very, very appreciated. I'm sending everyone on my newsletter a scene I had to delete from the novel, so sign up on the sidebar. Unfortunately, the scene just didn’t fit into the final version of the book, but I loved writing it. Here's a hint: It begins with a big fight between Mitch and Eden and ends with them making up. Oh my!

Thank you to everyone for your support and patience with this project.

I really hope you enjoy it.

Strange Case, Hyde Book III

Sometimes, to see the eyes of your greatest enemy, you need to look into a mirror.

In this final chapter of Mitch and Eden's story, everyone will be tested. Morality and honor weighed against getting the job done. But desperation can make people do things they never thought they’d be capable of. And returning from hell is a pretty damn big wake-up call, especially once Mitch realizes that the woman he loves has been in a different kind of hell…and she can’t get out of it


*** STRANGE CASE is the conclusion of Mitch and Eden’s story and may prove confusing to those who haven’t read the first two books. This novel is intended for adults. It includes lots of cursing, biting sarcasm, descriptive sex, and some seriously bad team morale.

Strange Case - News & Cover Reveal

Thank you all so much for your support and patience with Strange Case. Evidently, in a previous life, I was a saint. Because I sure ain’t one in this life, and there’s no other explanation for why I've been so lucky.

My news for today is two-fold. The first part is that the book is now in the hands of my formatter. After she’s done, there’s only one more step—uploading it to retailers. Can I get an amen?

The second part is that my incredible cover designer/friend/critique partner, Olivia Rivers, has created another unbelievable cover. From the moment Olivia and I started talking about the concept for Strange Case's cover, I was in love. I don't know how she does it, but the design for each book is a perfect match to what Mitch and Eden are going through at that time. They all have so much meaning behind them and are really special to me. And without further ado…

How beautiful is this?

~~~~Strange Case, Hyde Book III

Oh, and please remember to sign up for my newsletter in the sidebar. When the book becomes available, I’ll be sending out an ‘OMG, I'm so excited it's out' announcement and a direct link. The letter will also include a deleted scene between Mitch and Eden. It's Mitch being Mitch, and we all know what that involves. Naughty, naughty boy.

Thanks, all!

Strange Case News & Snippet #3

The Good, The Bad and The Ending

A few months ago, Strange Case was out of my hands and in those of an editor. I was gearing up for a mid-June release (just before my kids got out of school for the summer), and my world was perfect. Since my world so rarely stays perfect, I should’ve known something bad was about to hit. And boy did it. One morning I was woken up by a horrible realization:

The ending I had always envisioned for the series (and that was going through its final edits) was totally and completely and utterly wrong. Worst way to wake up ever.

Thankfully, none of the colorful expletives that filled my head for the next few hours passed my lips, or my children would’ve learned all sorts of words I pray they will never hear.

After the nausea went away, I understood that the ending of the book needed to be completely rewritten. And to make a new ending work, I had to go back and build it up from the very beginning. Which made my exciting-June-release turn into a fingers-crossed-July release. Which has now turned into a pretty-dang-sure-August release. As it is with some of the terrible comments that Mitch makes, I still don’t know exactly where the realization came from. But, as unpleasant as it was, I’m thankful it happened. Because the novel and the series are better for it.

So the good news is: the new ending is totally complete and totally better. I still have to read it over at least 4,000 more times (as I always do before I release a book because I'm insane). Seeing as how, in terms of word count, this book makes the first two look like children's picture books, you'll have to be patient for a little while longer. However, I truly believe that late August is a great time for reading and hope that everyone is ready for Strange Case.

Thanks so much for your continued support and understanding. And please remember to sign up for my newsletter to receive an email when the novel is released and to get the deleted scene between Mitch and Eden. Did I mention it's brutal? Until then, here's a snippet from Mitch that I enjoy. Hope you do too.


It had been out of desperation and Mitch knew it. But he never claimed any expertise with this kind of shit. Other things? Hell yes. He knew lots of other things. Sports, business, politics. And other equally predictable, straight-forward, simple things. Like how to spot a liar from twenty feet away. Or how to understand anyone with a dick. Because there wasn't that much to them.

But women? Women were like puzzles with half the pieces being invisible to anyone with a dick.

Emotions? Please. Emotions were things that shouldn't be seen or heard…from anyone with a dick.

And love? Yeah, that one was the worst. Something that— whether you feel it or not— you can't see, you can't control, you can't fake.

Someone had loved Mitch once, and he'd loved her. He killed for her. And she died for him. But his sister's love was different. It had always been there, ever since he was a drooling toddler, untouched by sin. He didn't need to understand Shelly's love or accept it or think it shouldn't be. It just was.

What it wasn't, was terrifying. What it didn't do was come at him from his blind spot and change his whole damn world. Nor did it push him to his knees and make him unable to think clearly.

So yeah, there were a lot of reasons he'd done something he shouldn't have. But only one of them was true:

He was a motherfucking idiot.
